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Shipping & Deliveries

We offer free shipping for all orders.


Orders are shipped on business days only, from our warehouse in the Netherlands.


Those in UK mainland can expect to receive orders in 3-5 business days.


Northern Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey, and Isle of Man residents can expect delivery within 5-7 business days.

During peak periods, delivery may take longer than usual. Please allow 4-6 business days to receive your order.

Once you place your order, it takes 1-2 business days for our warehouse to process and send it.

As soon as it ships, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to track its progress.

  1. You can also log into your account to track your order.

Not at the moment, but we’re working on it! Stay tuned.

We are currently in the process of updating our packaging so you may notice your order looks a little different.

Please note that during the transition you may still receive your order in our original packaging.

In 2020, we set a goal to reduce our single use plastic. To help us achieve this goal, in 2023 our packaging in Europe will transition to paper.

Please keep in mind that you may still receive plastic packaging while we are in a period of transition.

We are currently in the process of removing all pack slips from our online orders.

During the transition you may still receive a pack slip in your order.

Für eine pünktliche Lieferung vor Weihnachten beachte bitte die folgenden Bestellfristen:


Österreich | Belgien | Finnland | Italien | Luxemburg | Slowakei | Slowenien

Dienstag, 17. Dezember

Irland | Lettland | Liechtenstein | Monaco | Kroatien

Montag 16. Dezember

Bulgarien | Estland | Litauen | Rumänien | Griechenland

Sonntag 15. Dezember


Österreich | Belgien | Finnland | Italien | Luxemburg | Slowakei | Slowenien

Mittwoch 18 Dezember

Irland | Lettland | Liechtenstein | Monaco | Kroatien

Dienstag, 17. Dezember

Bulgarien | Estland | Litauen| Rumänien | Griechenland

Montag 16. Dezember